The Calandiva Growers

We proudly show you the growers behind this passionate brand. Want to know more? Click on their names and get to know their passion for this seductive beauty.


Growing delight: a core value and the foundation for the Solis Plant and De Veranda nurseries.

As a result of the significant developments in the market for Kalanchoe, the companies joined forces over a year ago, resulting in a close collaboration. With a shared ambition, these two driven specialists in the field of flowering pot plants are building a continued and strong collaboration for the future.

At their locations in 's-Gravenzande, Honselersdijk and Monster in the Netherlands, their deep-rooted love for growing pot plants is reflected in Kalanchoe plants of the highest possible quality. Products that have already earned their spurs, such as Kalanchoe Calanday®, Calandiva® and Grandiva®, as well as the Dorothy, Magic Bells and Lucky Bells specialties, remain part of the range in this new format.


Laan van de Heilige Lambertus 48
2691 MV 's-Gravenzande

FloraHolland administration number 5520
MPS-number 802927

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